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Cellular respiration in the alveolar niche: The space of exchange at the interface of air and fluid

Practice/presentation with Sarah Barnaby & Satu Palokangas

In this presentation Sarah & Satu focus in on how each alveoli in our lungs (including its surrounding capillary network) facilitates the exchange of gases between the atmosphere and our blood. Our proposal is that a deeper understanding of the micromechanics of alveoli, including concepts such as diffusion, surface tension and membrane shape-change, is essential to understanding our lungs on an organ scale. Diving down into the cellular and physiological details also telescopes us out to a deeper appreciation of our evolutionary survival strategies as air-breathing, multicellular, warm-blooded holobionts, and embeds us in the larger web of our planetary ecosystem. 

All times EST.

More information.

May 17

A Given or a Goal: What is Embodiment? Who gets to say?